US agency: Keep threatened status for green sea turtles

Hawaii's green sea turtles should continue to be classified as threatened because its population is small and nearly all of them nest at the same low-lying atoll, federal wildlife agencies said Friday.

Galapagos invasion is global warning

A new study led by a PhD researcher at The University of Western Australia has revealed that parts of the iconic Galapagos Islands have been overrun by invasive plants from other parts of the world.

Northern Kimberley sub-region reveals unexpected species

"New" populations of endangered northern quolls (Dasyurus hallucatus) and threatened golden-backed tree rats (Mesembriomys macrurus) have been found on the offshore Kimberley island Buckle Head.

Carnivorous water rat discovered in Indonesia

( —Jacob Esselstyn, curator of mammals at LSU's Museum of Natural Science, was part of a research team that discovered a carnivorous water rat in central Indonesia. The species was previously known only to local ...

Zoologists discover bird species in Indonesia

( —Zoologists from Trinity College Dublin have discovered a currently unrecognised bird species in a biodiversity hotspot in Indonesia. They propose that the colourful bird, which is found only on one small chain ...

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