Giant, recently extinct seabird also inhabited Japan

Scientists report that a large, extinct seabird called the spectacled cormorant, Phalacrocorax perspicillatus—originally thought to be restricted to Bering Island, far to the north—also resided in Japan nearly 120,000 ...

A ban on captive animals could speed up extinction

The recent death of the last male Northern white rhinoceros —and the imminent extinction of the vaquita porpoise —is a stark reminder we are not going to win every battle to save endangered species in the wild. We ...

The environment determines Caribbean hummingbirds' vulnerability

Hummingbird specialization and vulnerability are often predicted based on physical traits. Scientists have now found that this is not the case for hummingbirds on the Caribbean islands. Instead, the bird's environment is ...

Tonnes of garbage cleaned up from Galapagos coast

Officials at Ecuador's Galapagos National Park say they have collected 22 tonnes of garbage since January off the coasts of the pristine archipelago, some of it from as far away as Asia.

Dung beetles' taste preferences uncovered

The first observational study of a dung beetle species on Langkawi Island in the Andaman Sea reveals insights about its tastes and what that means for the ecosystem.

Fossil evidence shows bats colonized from islands to continents

Plants and animals are generally thought to colonize from continents to islands, over time leading to the evolution of separate island species. Scientists have theorized that the reverse – colonizing from islands to continents ...

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