Critically endangered birds still alive on King Island

A new study has found two critically endangered bird species feared to be near extinction on King Island in the Bass Strait are not only still alive, but their populations may be larger than previously thought.

Why extinct species seem to be returning from the dead

Like something out of a zombie movie, species that were once thought extinct seem to be rising from the dead. Between February 21 and March 4 2019, three notable rediscoveries were announced – the Fernandina Island Galápagos ...

Bird bone streaming

A new website for viewing 3-D bird bones aims to make bird bones in museums more accessible for research and teaching.

Possible Oahu populations offer new hope for Hawaiian seabirds

The two seabird species unique to Hawaii, Newell's Shearwaters and Hawaiian Petrels, are the focus of major conservation efforts—at risk from habitat degradation, invasive predators, and other threats, their populations ...

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