Research team saves turtle species on the brink (w/ Video)

University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) researchers exploring strategies for conserving the Diamondback Terrapin along Alabama's Dauphin Island coastline are working to keep the once-celebrated turtle off the endangered ...

Trees employ similar strategies to outcompete their neighbors

How more than 1,000 tree species may occur in a small area of forest in Amazonia or Borneo is an unsolved mystery. Their ability to co-exist may depend on how trees get along with their neighbors. A new study based, in part, ...

Rats no longer rule

The University of Auckland is holding a celebration to mark 50 years since the first confirmed island rodent eradication in 1964, an effort that helped inspire a whole new generation of scientists and conservationists.

Small green spaces can help keep cities cool during heat waves

A recent World Meteorological Organization report called heat waves the "deadliest meteorological hazard" from 2015 to 2019, affecting people living on all continents, and setting new national heat records in many regions. ...

Avian flu hits bird paradise of Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos National Park said Tuesday that it had detected its first cases of avian flu on the remote islands, home to unique bird species that helped inspire the theory of evolution.

Novel plant pathogen discovered on world's northernmost island

Ellesmere Island (76°N–83°N) is one of the northernmost islands in the world, along with Greenland and Spitsbergen Island. More than 100 species of vascular plants are distributed across this island in the ice-free areas ...

In defense of rodents: Why healthy ecosystems need them

You might think you have the measure of the rodent family. Perhaps just the word "rodent" conjures images of invasive rats, those urban denizens accused of spreading pathogens and parasites, chewing through wires and spoiling ...

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