Al-Qaeda site says 'enemies of Allah' took it down

One of Al-Qaeda's main Internet sites has accused "enemies of Allah" of taking it down for several days, but said it was now back up stronger than ever, according to a US monitoring service Thursday.

Think before you travel, researcher says

Muslim countries are caught between developing their tourism industries and making sure their culture is not eroded in the process, a leading researcher from The University of Queensland says.

Internet blockade in Pakistan continues

(AP) -- Pakistan acknowledged the "suffering" caused by its bans on Facebook and YouTube, but said it would only consider restoring the websites if they take down pages considered offensive to Islam, the information technology ...

Militants, 'hacktivists' exploit Web, eye recruits

(AP) -- Terrorist groups that have long used the Internet to spread propaganda are increasingly tapping the Web to teach Islamic extremists how to be hackers, recruit techies for cyberwarfare and raise money through online ...

Indonesian clerics want rules for Facebook

(AP) -- Muslim clerics are seeking ways to regulate online behavior in Indonesia, saying the exploding popularity of social networking sites like Facebook could encourage illicit sex.

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