Related topics: water

Better water testing, safer produce

Salads were recently in the news—and off America's dinner tables—when romaine lettuce was recalled nationwide. Outbreaks of intestinal illness were traced to romaine lettuce contaminated with Escherichia coli (E. coli) ...

Study pinpoints how Salmonella sneaks into plant roots

In recent years, contamination of salad vegetables by E. coli and salmonella bacteria—the most common causes of food poisoning—have led to large-scale recalls. Although most salmonella outbreaks are linked to contamination ...

Improving crop yields while conserving resources

When it comes to the health of the planet, agriculture and food production play an enormous role. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, roughly 37 percent of land worldwide is used for ...

Greater flexibility for growers needed during droughts

A report, recently published by Cranfield University and the National Farmers Union (NFU), highlights the benefits for water users of more flexible mechanisms to access water during dry periods.

How Africa can up its game on water management for agriculture

Global agriculture is facing unprecedented challenges. It's estimated that the world's population will reach 9.1 billion by 2050 with an ever expanding middle class. Current food production levels will have to be increased ...

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