Targeting product design for the developing world

Designing products for the developing world can be a hit-or-miss endeavor: While there may be a dire need for products addressing problems, such as access to clean water, sanitation and electricity, designing a product that ...

Irrigation's impact on clouds and climate

With the simple act of watering a plant, humans alter the balance of moisture in soil and the climate. Atmospheric scientists at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory included irrigation in a climate model and found that ...

Crops watering by phone

Thanks to a new app, smart phones could help monitor irrigation water use according to need. This could ensure that food is available on our table is the produced in a sustainable way.

More crops per drop

A solution is much needed to fight droughts and preserve crops. Researchers have now developed a device capable of checking the humidity in the soil, and releasing irrigation water as needed – just enough without wasting ...

Climate change: Can nature help us?

( —Hard-engineered sea walls have a limited life span. Could saltmarshes and mangroves offer a different approach to buffering against storm surges and coastal erosion?

Two approaches for optimizing water productivity

Agricultural Research Service researchers in Bushland, Texas, are helping farmers make the most of their water supplies in a region where they depend on the Ogallala Aquifer, a massive underground reservoir under constant ...

Drought declared in New Zealand's North Island

New Zealand declared a drought across its entire North Island for the first time in at least 30 years on Friday, with low river levels in the capital Wellington also worrying officials.

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