Lots of developers already developing apps for Apple's iPad

The iPad may be weeks away from hitting the stores, but it's already creating a surge in the development of new applications -- increasing Apple's lead in programs written for its devices over those running on Google's Android ...

Dreams? There's apps for them, too

The handiwork of a cast of code monkeys could soon have your new phone doing tricks your old cell would never have imagined.

Doctors embrace social networking

In the waiting room, the patient's family members circled a Blackberry. About every 15 minutes, Dr. Carlos Wolf of Miami Plastic Surgery gave them a few keystrokes of information about how the patient was doing.

findNano app puts nanotech in your pocket

The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN) has developed findNano, an application for Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch that lets users discover and determine whether consumer products are nanotechnology-enabled. Nanotechnology, ...

Apple's booming App Store tops 100,000 programs

Apple on Wednesday announced that outside developers have crammed the virtual shelves of its App Store with more than 100,000 mini-programs for iPhones and iPod Touch devices.

Disney iPhone app makes photos the key to content

(AP) -- The Walt Disney Co. is releasing an iPhone application that rewards users for poking through the Disney.com Web site and could one day offer exclusive bonuses for activities such as shopping at Disney Stores.

Metallica debuts finger-tapping app in iPhone

(AP) -- Headbangers will have a reason to steady their gaze a bit starting Tuesday, when rock band Metallica makes its way onto iPhones with a finger-tapping music app called "Tap Tap Revenge: Metallica."

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