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Android and Apple extend smartphone dominance

Android-powered smartphones and Apple's rival iPhone have extended their near duopoly with a whopping 91 percent of the global market in the fourth quarter, a survey showed Thursday.

RIM says its new BlackBerry phone in testing

BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion said Wednesday that its much-delayed new smartphones are now being tested by 50 wireless carriers around the world.

Britain gets first 4G mobile services

Britain's first super-fast 4G mobile Internet service was launched in 11 cities on Tuesday, allowing the kingdom to catch up with the global roll-out.

iPhone extends gains in US market

Apple's iPhone gained ground in the US market over the holiday season and early 2013, outpacing Samsung and other smartphone makers using the Android operating system, a survey found Wednesday.

Samsung set to launch new iPhone challenger

Samsung's Galaxy S III smartphone has done very well, briefly unseating the iPhone as the best-selling smartphone in the world. On Thursday, the Korean company is launching a phone it hopes can top that, and entrench the ...

Samsung plans to add iPhone 5 to patent war

South Korea's Samsung Electronics said Friday it was considering adding Apple's new iPhone 5 to a patent infringement case as part of a long-running global legal battle between the rival smartphone giants.

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