Calcium sensor helps us to see the stars

Using cryo-electron microscopy and mass spectrometry, researchers from PSI have deciphered the structure of an ion channel found in the eye while it interacts with the protein calmodulin—a structure that has eluded scientists ...

Life took hold on land 300 million years earlier than thought

Life took hold on land at least as early as 3.2 billion years ago, suggests a study by scientists from Berlin, Potsdam and Jena (Germany). The team led by Sami Nabhan of the Freie Universität Berlin studied ancient rock ...

New imaging tool directly measures liquid surfaces

( —A unique chemical imaging tool readily and reliably presents volatile liquids to scientific instruments, according to a team including Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. These instruments require samples ...

Using mass spectrometry to isolate guanine-rich DNA ions

A team of researchers at Université de Bordeaux has developed a way to use mass spectrometry to isolate guanine-rich DNA ions. In their paper published in the journal Science, the researchers describe their method and how ...

Three billion-year-old microfossils include plankton

Spindle-shaped inclusions in 3 billion-year-old rocks are microfossils of plankton that probably inhabited the oceans around the globe during that time, according to an international team of researchers.

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