Study reveals material erosion and deposition in fusion reactors

Researchers led by Prof. Luo Guangnan from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences have made an important discovery about how materials break down and mix on the surfaces inside the experimental ...

Researchers visualize energetic ion flow in fusion devices

In a burning plasma, maintaining confinement of fusion-produced energetic ions is essential to producing energy. These fusion plasmas host a wide array of electromagnetic waves that can push energetic ions out of the plasma.

Shining light on the inner details and breakup of deuterons

Scientists have found a way to "see" inside deuterons, the simplest atomic nuclei, to better understand the "glue" that holds the building blocks of matter together. The new results come from collisions of photons (particles ...

Graphene and an intense laser open the door to the extreme

Laser-driven ion acceleration has been studied to develop a compact and efficient plasma-based accelerator, which is applicable to cancer therapy, nuclear fusion, and high energy physics. Osaka University researchers, in ...

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