Semiconductor technology for particle accelerators

Corporate Technology (CT), Siemens global research department, has developed a new accelerator technology in cooperation with one of its strategic partners, the Russian research center Skolkovo, which is located near Moscow.

Investigating ocean currents using uranium-236 from the 1960s

Stephan Winkler, isotope researcher at the University of Vienna, has identified the bomb-pulse of uranium-236 in corals from the Caribbean Sea for the first time. 236U was distributed world-wide in the period of atmospheric ...

Search for element 113 concluded at last

The most unambiguous data to date on the elusive 113th atomic element has been obtained by researchers at the RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science (RNC). A chain of six consecutive alpha decays, produced in ...

Laser research shows promise for cancer treatment

( -- Scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory have observed for the first time how a laser penetrates dense, electron-rich plasma to generate ions. The process has applications for developing next generation ...

Extreme plasma theories put to the test

The first controlled studies of extremely hot, dense matter have overthrown the widely accepted 50-year old model used to explain how ions influence each other's behavior in a dense plasma. The results should benefit a wide ...

A new accelerator to study steps on the path to fusion

The just-completed NDCX-II, the second generation Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), is an unusual special-purpose particle accelerator ...

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