Which phone is most vulnerable to malware?

As each new computer virus attack or vulnerability comes to light, millions instinctively check their computer to see if their anti-malware application is up to date. This is a good idea and they are wise to do it but a large ...

One of IPhone founders leaving Apple

One of the pioneers behind the iPhone, software engineer Greg Christie, is leaving Apple, a spokesman said Wednesday.

Stanford launches new free course on iPhone/iPad apps

(Phys.org) —Stanford's incredibly popular online course, Developing Apps for iPhone and iPad, is now available for iOS 7 on iTunes U. As always, this free course is available to anyone, anywhere.

Review: Apple iOS 7 plagued with problems

Apple's iOS 7 represents the most dramatic update to date of the software that powers iPhones and iPads. It also appears to be one of the buggiest.

Mobile security: Android versus Apple

Smartphones are big business, prompting fierce competition between providers. One major concern for consumers is whether a smartphone will keep their private data safe from malicious programs. To date, however, little independent ...

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