Full 3-D invisibility cloak in visible light

Watching things disappear "is an amazing experience," admits Joachim Fischer of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. But making items vanish is not the reason he creates invisibility cloaks. Rather, the magic-like ...

Invisibility cloaks may be just around the corner

In 1897, H.G. Wells created a fictional scientist who became invisible by changing his refractive index to that of air, so that his body could not absorb or reflect light. More recently, Harry Potter disappeared from sight ...

Physicists scale up invisibility cloaks using natural crystals

(PhysOrg.com) -- Physicists from the University of Birmingham, with colleagues at Imperial College, London, and Technical University of Denmark, have demonstrated an 'invisibility cloak' that can hide a three-dimensional ...

Plasmonic metamaterials: From microscopes to invisibility cloaks

(PhysOrg.com) -- A new class of artificial materials called metamaterials -- which derive their properties from carefully engineered, nanostructured building blocks rather than from their chemical composition -- may one day ...

'Space-time cloak' to conceal events revealed in new study

(PhysOrg.com) -- The study, by researchers from Imperial College London, involves a new class of materials called metamaterials, which can be artificially engineered to distort light or sound waves. With conventional materials, ...

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