Related topics: company

Netflix's 1Q tops forecasts, stock still plummets (Update)

(AP) -- Netflix's comeback from a customer backlash accelerated during the first quarter, but the recovery wasn't impressive enough to ease more pressing concerns about the Internet video subscription service's ability to ...

TV ads inspire investment interest, study finds

Stock trading volumes in the United States have soared over the last year and much of it seems to be driven by retail investors. With thousands of stocks to choose from, what factors influence investors' decisions?

Facebook to hold press event, stock passes $30

Shares of Facebook are pushing above $30 for the first time since July after it sent out invitations to "come and see what we're building" Tuesday at its headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif.

Study finds that board renewal can benefit the environment

In an age when environmental awareness is widespread among investors, board renewal mechanisms that better align investors' and directors' interests can enhance a firm's environmental performance, according to a new study ...

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