CEOs gamble with shareholders' money

CEOs of conglomerates are trusting heavily on their 'gut feeling' when it comes to investment decisions. A new study finds that by doing so, they are destroying shareholder value. At the cost of more rational options, CEOs ...

Overconfidence in new technologies can influence decision-making

Technological advances in recent decades have transformed most aspects of daily life, and technology now plays a major role in business and society. However, little is known about how perceptions of technology might influence ...

Google Trends foretells stock movements, study reports

Google Trends, a tool that looks at patterns of searches on the Internet, is a potential money-spinner for investors as it provides hints of impending stock movements, a study said on Thursday.

Mutual funds have 'invisible' costs, study reports

(—Investors often rely on the commonly published "expense ratio" of mutual funds as a predictor of performance, but this measure ignores "invisible" costs that occur when funds trade portfolio securities, which ...

Gulf states look to the sun for future power

After decades of relying on carbon-emitting fossil fuels to build their cities in the desert, some oil and gas rich nations of the Gulf are now turning skywards to the sun to meet future energy demands.

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