Even the latest malware detection systems can be bypassed

Unwanted intruders are finding it more and more difficult to hack computer systems and networks thanks to today's advanced detection technologies. With the help of emulation-based technologies, many attacks can be detected ...

Morningstar: Client credit card data may be leaked

Morningstar Inc. says it discovered an illegal intrusion into its systems that may have compromised some of its clients' personal information, including email addresses, passwords, and credit card numbers.

New media? Why social media is just like television

Over the last seven days, social media journalists did an admirable job of documenting what may go down as a historic week in media. Covering the conflict between Instagram and Twitter, Matt Buchanan adroitly observed the ...

Swedish government to crack down on hackers

The Swedish government said on Thursday it planned to crack down on hackers, at a time when the sex assault allegations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has made the country a target of repeated cyber attacks.

Hackers hit US Justice Department, again

The US Justice Department acknowledged an intrusion in its computer network as the notorious hacker collective Anonymous claimed to have obtained large amounts of data from it.

Man linked to 'Anonymous' pleads not guilty (Update)

(AP) -- An Ohio man linked to the hacker collective "Anonymous" pleaded not guilty Monday to charges of breaching the websites of the Utah Chiefs of Police Association and the Salt Lake City Police Department.

FBI chief warns of threat of terror cyberattack

FBI Director Robert Mueller warned US lawmakers Wednesday that violent extremists could try to carry out cyberattacks on the United States and the nation needed to be prepared.

UK arrests 2 suspected computer hackers

(AP) -- British police on Thursday arrested two men as part of a trans-Atlantic investigation into attacks carried out by the hacking groups Anonymous and Lulz Security.

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