Partner violence against migrant women

Disease, disasters, drought, famine, climate change, the terrorist threat, oppressive regimes… the list of problems facing people the world over continues to grow and the number of people displaced from their homes for ...

Researcher discusses stalking in the age of social media

Whether in person or on the internet, being stalked is a terrifying and isolating experience. Victims may be afraid to report their stalker out of fear of retaliation or be unsure where the dividing line falls between innocent ...

How emotional and economic abuse go hand-in-hand

People who have been in an abusive relationship often don't realise it until they've left it, so looking at the data on past relationships is the best way of getting a picture of how bad it can be. We find that emotional ...

Household chores: Women still do more

Canadian women of all ages still tend to do more household chores than their male partners, no matter how much they work or earn in a job outside the home. Findings from a study in Springer's journal Sex Roles demonstrate ...

The rise of intimate partner violence during the Great Recession

Financial strain has long been one of the leading causes of family discord, but a recent study suggests that simply living through major economic recessions increases a mother's chance of suffering from domestic violence.

Study examines response to sexual violence on campus

To address concerns over sexual violence on college campuses, higher education institutions are required to appoint a Title IX Coordinator to investigate incidents, but few are trained to deal with the broad range of offenses ...

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