Related topics: bacteria

Controlling carbs and fat: Learning from the fruit fly

Incretins are hormones secreted by intestinal cells that regulate pancreatic insulin and glucagon to control sugar metabolism in mammals. Although counterparts of insulin and glucagon have been identified in invertebrates, ...

Artificial stomach reveals fluid dynamics of food digestion

In efforts to fight obesity and enhance drug absorption, scientists have extensively studied how gastric juices in the stomach break down ingested food and other substances. However, less is known about how the complex flow ...

Age-related stem cell dysfunction linked to eye-color gene

In a discovery with implications for colorectal cancer in humans, RIKEN geneticists have found that a gene that determines eye color in fruit flies also plays a role in the tendency of gut stem cells to proliferate out of ...

To make mini-organs grow faster, give them a squeeze

The closer people are physically to one another, the higher the chance for exchange, of things like ideas, information, and even infection. Now researchers at MIT and Boston Children's Hospital have found that, even in the ...

Intestinal regeneration: Lessons from organoid research

The last decade has seen a boom in the field of organoids, miniature organs grown from stem cells in vitro. These systems recapitulate the cell type composition and numerous functions of parent organs—such as brain, kidney, ...

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