Smartphones to run operators into the red in 3 years

Rocketing smartphone use could drive mobile operators into losses in three years unless they rapidly adopt technology to capture more revenue from data services, according to a US network company.

Google, Jordan seal $10 million deal

(AP) -- Jordan on Tuesday sealed US$10 million agreement with Google that allows the kingdom to use the world's leading Internet search engine for advertising.

Google joins British drive to boost technology sector

Google said Thursday it was setting up a new centre for development and training in London, the first of its kind in Europe, as part of government efforts to boost the British tech industry.

Africa's tech explosion promises economic growth

Ask web entrepreneur Stefan Magdalinski why he moved from London to Cape Town two years ago, and he points to a map that illustrates the technological revolution reshaping Africa.

Hollywood sounds alarm on streaming piracy

University of Southern California student Elizabeth watched the season finale of HBO's lusty vampire drama "True Blood" along with about 5.4 million television viewers.

India wants Google, Skype to set up local servers

India's government on Wednesday said BlackBerry, Google, Skype and other communications providers must set up servers in the country to allow security forces to intercept Internet data.

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