Why are young adults having less casual sex?

Casual sex is on the decline for both young men and women, according to a Rutgers University-New Brunswick study that found less alcohol consumption among both genders is a major reason, while playing video games and living ...

Digital divide widens, research finds

(PhysOrg.com) -- The "digital divide" -- the gap in Internet access and usage due to socioeconomic factors -- is increasing, according to research published in the Communications of the Association for Information Systems.

Measuring Chicago's internet use

Following up on a 2008 study finding that many Chicago residents did not or could not use the Internet, a University of Illinois at Chicago researcher is working with Rutgers University's Eagleton Center for Public Interest ...

Toddlers rush online—to unknown risks

Over the last six years there has been a major increase in online activity by children up to eight years old, a leading international internet survey has found.

In-depth survey compares nonvoters to voters

What do nonvoters look like, can they be categorized and why don't they vote? To answer these and other questions, a Northwestern University journalism professor and Ipsos Public Affairs conducted an in-depth post-Election ...

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