Tagged.com settles with NY, Texas in invite fight

(AP) -- The social networking site Tagged.com has adopted reforms on the use of invitation e-mails after an attorney general alleged that the Web site essentially stole the identities of some 60 million Internet users.

Variety trade newspaper to charge for online site

(AP) -- Ending a three-year flirtation with free online content, Variety newspaper plans to put some of its Web site content behind a "pay wall" that will require a paid annual subscription, its publisher said Thursday.

Carrier Pigeon Faster Than Broadband Internet

(PhysOrg.com) -- In South Africa, a carrier pigeon carrying a 4GB memory stick proved to be faster than the ADSL service from the country's biggest web firm, Telkom. Winston the pigeon took one hour and eight minutes to carry ...

Congress weighs landmark change in Web ad privacy

(AP) -- The Web sites we visit, the online links we click, the search queries we conduct, the products we put in virtual shopping carts, the personal details we reveal on social networking pages - all of this can give companies ...

Movie theaters cut print show times as Web gains

(AP) -- Filmgoers who have long turned to the local newspaper to find theaters and show times for movies may have to start looking elsewhere as theater chains rethink the value of paper and ink in a digital age.

Shooter's online rants were like trees in forest

(AP) -- In hindsight, it seems so obvious. We look back at the creepy online ramblings of a tortured soul like George Sodini and realize we should have known all along of the horrors to come.

Newspaper sites draw 36 percent of Web audience in June

Newspaper Web sites attracted 70.3 million unique visitors in June, representing about 36 percent of all Internet users, according to a new Nielsen Online study commissioned by an industry trade group.

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