Malaysians win global Internet popularity contest

Malaysians are the most popular people on the Internet, while Japanese are the least, according to a global survey which shows how national cultures are reflected in online behaviour.

IAC 3Q revenue up, profit down on year-ago boost

(AP) -- IAC/InterActiveCorp, the Internet company run by billionaire Barry Diller, saw a big jump in revenue in the latest quarter because of improvements in online advertising and an expansion in the number of people looking ...

German ministers slam Facebook for privacy glitch

German ministers criticised social networking site Facebook on Sunday for failing to respect privacy, following a report of a serious flaw that allowed non-subscribers access to private data.

Russian firms say not responsible for web piracy

Five of Russia's Internet giants have said they cannot be held responsible for copyright violations on their sites and urged rapid changes to outdated laws, in an unprecedented joint statement on Friday.

1,000 computer hackers meet in Budapest

Hacktivity 2010, the largest computer hackers' conference in eastern Europe, kicked off Saturday, with some 1,000 participants expected to attend the two-day event, according to organisers.

Twitter a hit in Japan as millions 'mumble' online

(AP) -- Twitter is a hit in Japan, succeeding where other social networking imports like Facebook have foundered as millions "mumble" - the translation of tweet - and give mini-blogging a distinctly Japanese flavor.

Pakistan lifts Facebook ban after page removed

(AP) -- Pakistan lifted a ban on Facebook on Monday after officials from the social networking site apologized for a page deemed offensive to Muslims and removed its contents, a top information technology official said.

Muslim concerns trigger Pakistani Web bans

(AP) -- Pakistan blocked YouTube and many other Internet sites Thursday in a widening crackdown on online content deemed offensive to Islam, reflecting the secular government's sensitivities to an issue that has ignited ...

Pakistani court orders gov't to block Facebook

(AP) -- A Pakistani court ordered the government Wednesday to block Facebook because of a page that encourages users to post images of Islam's Prophet Muhammad, a senior legal official said.

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