Google hopes readers will 'flip' over new format

(AP) -- Google Inc. is testing a new format that is supposed to make reading online stories as easy as flipping through a magazine, a shift that eventually could feed more advertising sales to revenue-starved publishers.

Google launches $3 billion debt offering

Google Inc. added to its cash hoard Monday by issuing $3 billion in corporate debt at low interest rates. It's the first time Google has tapped the corporate bond market for money.

Google's operating system escalates Microsoft duel (Update)

(AP) -- Google Inc. is hoping to gain greater control over how personal computers work with its plans to develop a free operating system that will attack Microsoft Corp.'s golden goose - its long-dominant Windows franchise.

Jinni: Semantic Search for Movies

( -- One of the most interesting things I have come across over the Internet is the movie search engine Jinni. Can't think of anything to watch tonight? Type in a phrase, and dozens of moves appear in an attractive ...

Researchers use stars to infer mass of Milky Way

What if your doctor told you that your weight is somewhere between 100 and 400 lbs.? With any ordinary scale every patient can do better at home. Yet, one patient can't: the Milky Way. Even though today we peer deeper into ...

Google's outlandish ventures go beyond Web

With mountains of cash and some of the world's smartest engineers, Google Inc. has always set aside research and development dollars for futuristic ventures that appear to have little in common with its core business of Internet ...

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