China's Baidu releases new mobile browser

(AP)—Baidu Inc., which operates China's most popular search engine, has released a mobile browser and says it will invest in a cloud computing center as growth in Internet use shifts to mobile phones.

Judge refuses to delay NY case for Google appeal

(AP)—The federal judge presiding over challenges to Google Inc.'s plans to create the world's largest digital library has refused to delay the 7-year-old case while Google appeals his decision to grant authors class certification.

Search technology that can gauge opinion and predict the future

Inspired by a system for categorising books proposed by an Indian librarian more than 50 years ago, a team of European researchers have developed a new kind of internet search that takes into account factors such as opinion, ...

Yahoo CEO mulling possible changes in strategy

(AP) — Recently hired Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer may scrap the Internet company's plan to reward its long-tormented shareholders with a multibillion-dollar payout later this year, underscoring the uncertainty accompanying ...

EU hails Google's proposals in antitrust probe

The EU hailed on Tuesday proposals that Google has made after regulators launched an anti-trust probe into whether the Internet search giant had abused its dominant market position.

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