German court rules against Google's terms

(AP) -- A German court has ruled that Google Inc. must change terms of service that could be interpreted to compromise a user's rights, a decision the consumer advocacy group that brought the suit welcomed Monday as a victory ...

Web founder makes online privacy plea

Plans by Internet service providers to deliver targeted adverts to consumers based on their Web searches threaten online privacy and should be opposed, the founder of the Web said Wednesday.

Wikipedia founder abandons Google search challenge

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has abandoned the floundering Wikia Search project, launched in January 2008 in an attempt to break the world's addiction to Google's Internet search service.

Russian tech giant dashes hopes for smartphone

Russian internet giant Yandex disappointed tech enthusiasts on Monday by failing to unveil what many hoped would be a highly anticipated Russian-made smartphone.

Google to offer own cellular network plan

Google will soon be offering cellular network plans in a bid to bridge the gap between the realms of Internet services and mobile device software it dominates.

Yahoo wants to invest in Snapchat: report

Flush with cash from its investment in Alibaba, Yahoo is angling to buy into hot mobile messaging startup Snapchat, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.

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