Source: Google to pay $7M to settle Wi-Fi case (Update)

Google will pay a $7 million penalty to settle an investigation into the Internet search leader's collection of emails, passwords and other sensitive information sent over wireless networks several years ago in neighborhoods ...

Microsoft rolls out more social Bing search

Microsoft on Friday rolled out a revamped Bing that includes insights from Facebook and Twitter in the biggest overhaul of the search service since its launch three years ago.

Yahoo! shares drop as Alibaba service spins off

Yahoo! stock sank on news that Alibaba has spun its online payment business out of reach of the US Internet pioneer, which owns a large stake in China's leading online search service.

Google plans social games debut

Google Inc. is planning to debut a platform for social games that would compete with offerings on Facebook.

StumbleUpon's founders buy service back from eBay

(AP) -- Two founders of Web content recommendation service StumbleUpon said Monday they bought the company back from online auction house eBay Inc., just two years after eBay purchased the startup for $75 million.

Google to add maps of local findings to search results

Google has confirmed that it is going to start adding a map of local findings to search results for things like "pizza," "burger" and "dentist," something that Google watchers have been buzzing about for months.

Yahoo! adds tweets to online news pages

Yahoo! on Thursday began spicing up its online news pages with real-time comments fired off at the globally popular messaging service Twitter.

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