Don't bet newspapers will get rich shunning Google

(AP) -- There's an intriguing idea floating around the media: Microsoft Corp. wants to undercut Google so badly in Internet search that it might pay newspapers to withhold their content from Google. Just don't count on that ...

Bing rings up search gains, dinging Google, Yahoo

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp.'s souped-up Internet search engine gained a little more ground on industry leaders Google Inc. and Yahoo Inc. in July, according to data released late Monday.

Microsoft sees size as search answer in Yahoo deal

(AP) -- Microsoft is hoping that a long-term partnership with rival Yahoo will give it the size and insight it needs to bring in more traffic, more advertisers and ultimately more revenue.

Yahoo searching for ways to show fewer Web links

(AP) -- Yahoo Inc. is pruning Web links from its Internet search results as it strives to provide more immediate gratification and lure traffic away from the market leader, Google Inc.

Google digging deeper to improve search results (Update)

(AP) -- Google Inc. is about to add more features to its already dominant Internet search engine - and some of the changes could give Web surfers less reason to click through to other sites. That scenario might upset the ...

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