Teens in US sending more texts than ever: study

Teenagers in the United States are texting more than ever before, and they're more likely as well to have a smartphone in their hands, according to a survey released Monday.

Study finds tablet, e-book ownership soared

Tablets and e-readers were a popular gift over the holidays, so much so that the number of people who own them nearly doubled between mid-December and January, a new study finds.

Google wins Australian advert case

Global Internet giant Google won a court case against Australia's competition regulator Thursday over claims that sponsored links at the top of its search results were misleading to consumers.

Google given more time to reach book settlement

A US judge on Wednesday allowed Google and US authors and publishers more time to seek a new settlement over the Internet giant's plan to create a massive online library and bookstore.

MAPPING explores Internet's impact on society

Do you remember how the Millennium bug had everyone sitting on the edge of their seats some 15 years ago? If such a blackout occurred right now, we would immediately take stock of how much the Internet has become ubiquitous ...

More Aussies online, but digital divide remains

Five out of every six Australians are now online and regard the internet as a central part of their lives – but people who don't have access are at a deepening disadvantage as the digital gap widens, researchers have warned.

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