Google seeks to close book in author copyright case

Google asked a US court Friday to put an end to a long-running lawsuit over the Internet giant's massive book-scanning project, saying the effort is "not a substitute" for books themselves.

Internet gap between black, white seniors

African Americans over the age of 65 are much less likely to spend time online than their white counterparts, according to a study released on Monday.

Teens in US sending more texts than ever: study

Teenagers in the United States are texting more than ever before, and they're more likely as well to have a smartphone in their hands, according to a survey released Monday.

US study: Split views on robots' employment role

In 2025, self-driving cars could be the norm, Americans could have more leisure time and goods could become cheaper. Or, there could be chronic unemployment and an even wider income gap, human interaction could become a luxury ...

Google given more time to reach book settlement

A US judge on Wednesday allowed Google and US authors and publishers more time to seek a new settlement over the Internet giant's plan to create a massive online library and bookstore.

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