Instagram to share data with Facebook

Smartphone photo sharing service Instagram on Monday refined its privacy policy to clear the way for sharing data with Facebook, which bought the company earlier this year.

Greater email privacy won't hinder law enforcement

(AP)—Legal experts say Senate legislation billed as a major step forward in protecting the privacy of electronic communications won't keep law enforcement agencies from combing through inboxes if they believe a crime has ...

French watchdog says Facebook did not violate privacy

France's data watchdog said Tuesday that Facebook users' privacy had not been breached, a week after summoning officials from the social networking site over rumours that private messages were being posted publicly.

Google wins Swiss Street View privacy appeal

Google welcomed on Friday a ruling by Switzerland's highest court that it does not have to blur all faces and car registrations on its Street View service in the country.

Facebook IPO has privacy implications, advocates say

Facebook's IPO could be one of the most successful in history, but that very success could force the company to make a choice between protecting users' privacy and exploiting their personal data.

US spy agency can keep mum on Google ties: court

The top-secret US National Security Agency is not required to reveal any deal it may have with Google to help protect against cyber attacks, an appeals court ruled Friday.

Regulators, ad companies huddle over 'Do Not Track' features

The momentum of a growing multibillion-dollar industry is colliding with online privacy worries this week, as regulators and privacy advocates face off against the Internet advertising industry to hash out how proposed "Do ...

Yahoo! websites to get do-not-track tool

Yahoo! on Thursday said that it will soon add a tool to its websites that allows visitors to signal that they don't want their online activity tracked for ad targeting or other ends.

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