eBay chief says Web privacy clashes coming

Internet companies will soon have to find a way to protect user privacy to avert a "clash" which could lead to increased government regulation, eBay chief executive John Donahoe said Wednesday.

Greater email privacy won't hinder law enforcement

(AP)—Legal experts say Senate legislation billed as a major step forward in protecting the privacy of electronic communications won't keep law enforcement agencies from combing through inboxes if they believe a crime has ...

Kerry: Internet access a 'fundamental right'

Secretary of State John Kerry says people around the world have a fundamental right to the Internet. He is denouncing authoritarian governments that place restrictions on web access and social media.

Justices weigh $8.5M settlement with $0 to 129M Google users

The Supreme Court struggled Wednesday over what to do about an $8.5 million class-action settlement involving Google and privacy concerns in which all the money went to lawyers and nonprofit groups but nothing was paid to ...

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