Lawyers: Google execs not liable for abuse video

(AP) -- Four Google executives should not be held responsible for a video posted online that showed teenagers abusing an autistic youth in Turin, their lawyers argued Wednesday in an Italian court.

MAPPING explores Internet's impact on society

Do you remember how the Millennium bug had everyone sitting on the edge of their seats some 15 years ago? If such a blackout occurred right now, we would immediately take stock of how much the Internet has become ubiquitous ...

Web site tracks policy changes at popular sites

(AP) -- A new Web site unveiled Thursday will track policies imposed by popular Internet sites such as Facebook and Google, hoping to help users spot potentially harmful changes.

Web ad group launches privacy education campaign

(AP) -- A group of leading Internet publishers and digital marketing services on Thursday launched an online campaign to educate consumers about how they are tracked and targeted for pitches on the Web.

Internet users seeking more 'invisibility', study says

Consumer efforts to protect personal data and remain "invisible" online is leading to a "data blackhole" that could adversely impact digital advertisers, technology research firm Ovum said Wednesday.

Twitter says government data requests rise

Twitter said Monday that worldwide requests from governments about its users rose nearly 20 percent in second half of 2012 as it sought to raise awareness about "invasive" actions.

Senate votes to undo privacy rules that protect user data

The Republican-led Senate moved Thursday to undo Obama-era regulations that would have forced internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon to ask customers' permission before they could use or sell much of their personal ...

Shooter's online rants were like trees in forest

(AP) -- In hindsight, it seems so obvious. We look back at the creepy online ramblings of a tortured soul like George Sodini and realize we should have known all along of the horrors to come.

Britain warns over Internet freedom at cyberspace talks

British Foreign Secretary William Hague issued a warning on Tuesday to countries that try to restrict Internet freedom as he opened a global conference designed to set up cyberspace "rules of the road".

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