Facebook pays $10 million to settle ad suit

Facebook will pay $10 million to settle a lawsuit from users who claimed their names, images and other information were improperly used in advertising described as "sponsored stories," court documents showed.

All the Web privacy you want

Microsoft announced last week that the next version of its Internet Explorer browser will include better privacy controls, giving users more protection against being tracked by advertisers online. Its initiative, which takes ...

Key Internet summit to discuss online rules

The world's most powerful Internet and media barons gathered in Paris on Tuesday in a show of strength to leaders at the G8 summit, amid rows over online copyright, regulation and human rights.

US to study privacy impact of data brokers

US regulators Tuesday ordered data brokers to turn over information about how they collect and use information about consumers, in a move hailed by Internet privacy activists.

Google pays $7M fine to settle Wi-Fi privacy case (Update 2)

Google will pay a $7 million fine to settle a multistate investigation into a snoopy software program that enabled the Internet search leader to intercept emails, passwords and other sensitive information sent several years ...

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