French Senate approves Internet piracy law

(AP) -- France's Senate has given final approval to a law that would punish people who download music and films illegally by cutting off their Internet connections.

British government backs down over database plan

(AP) -- The British government said Monday it wants communications companies to keep records of every phone call, e-mail and Web site visit made in the country. But it has decided not to set up a national database of the ...

EU to sue Britain over Internet privacy

(AP) -- The European Union started legal action against Britain on Tuesday for not applying EU data privacy rules that would restrict an Internet advertising tracker called Phorm from watching how users surf the Web.

Control needed over digital view of lives: expert

An MIT computer expert is calling for a "new deal" to allow individuals to control the "God's eye" view of their daily lives built up from the traces left behind when they phone or surf the Internet.

Balancing your Facebook

It seems everyone is on Facebook these days: your co-workers, your best friend from third grade, your mom. Facebook usage has exploded in the past year, with the site claiming its fastest-growing demographic are adults ages ...

YouTube Limits Cookie Tracking on White House Website

( -- With the launch of President Obama's White House website, three days ago, there has been extensive use of YouTube videos on the site. As we all know Google now owns YouTube and tracks every visitor that lands ...

Face it, even on the Web we want privacy

For most teenagers, privacy is important. They want to be able to go in their rooms, shut the door and close the world out. It's their safe place, a haven for them and their friends.

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