Lawyers: Google execs not liable for abuse video

(AP) -- Four Google executives should not be held responsible for a video posted online that showed teenagers abusing an autistic youth in Turin, their lawyers argued Wednesday in an Italian court.

Web ad group launches privacy education campaign

(AP) -- A group of leading Internet publishers and digital marketing services on Thursday launched an online campaign to educate consumers about how they are tracked and targeted for pitches on the Web. settles with NY, Texas in invite fight

(AP) -- The social networking site has adopted reforms on the use of invitation e-mails after an attorney general alleged that the Web site essentially stole the identities of some 60 million Internet users.

EU agrees on new Internet user rights

(AP) -- EU lawmakers and governments agreed on new rights for Internet users Thursday, aiming to protect them from arbitrary crackdowns on those who illegally download music and movies on the Internet.

Protecting your virtual privacy

The details of your personal life, such as grocery purchases and pizza topping preferences, are collected every day ― online and by club and discount cards from the gym, department store and supermarket. Though this ...

US engineer defends Google in defamation trial

An American engineer sought to clear Google of defamation charges at a trial over the broadcast in Italy of video showing the bullying of a teenager with Down's Syndrome, a lawyer for the Internet search provider said Tuesday.

France approves Internet piracy bill

(AP) -- France's lower house of parliament has approved a pioneering bill allowing authorities to cut off Internet access to people who download illegally.

Congress weighs landmark change in Web ad privacy

(AP) -- The Web sites we visit, the online links we click, the search queries we conduct, the products we put in virtual shopping carts, the personal details we reveal on social networking pages - all of this can give companies ...

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