New report calls for online privacy bill of rights

(AP) -- The Commerce Department is calling for the creation of a "privacy bill of rights" for Internet users to set ground rules for companies that collect consumer data online and use that information for marketing and ...

Iran blocks access to Gmail

Iran blocked access to Google's popular and relatively secure Gmail service Monday amid first steps by the Islamic republic to establish a walled-off national intranet separate from the worldwide Internet.

In dull retail environment, smart phones shine

The 14 million iPhones that Apple sold in its latest quarter are more than a bright flare on one of Silicon Valley's greatest stars. The iconic Apple smart phone also represents the leading edge of a wireless revolution that ...

Microsoft's Ballmer hypes smart phone, browser

(AP) -- Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer pumped up unique features in the company's new Web browser and smart phone software at a software developer conference Thursday, the company's annual pep rally for people who will build ...

India's mobile internet use increases ninefold

Mobile internet usage in India has increased ninefold in a single year, after the launch of a new operator sparked a telecoms price war, according to a new report.

Handset makers get Windows Phone update 'Mango'

Microsoft on Tuesday made the latest version of its mobile phone software available to handset partners as it seeks to claw back market share from Apple and Google.

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