US Internet adoption steady as 'digital gaps' persist

The percentage of Americans using the Internet has remained unchanged for the past three years, with older and low-income people making slow progress getting online, a study showed Friday.

Google unveils SMS service for Africa

Google on Monday unveiled a new service designed to provide information via SMS text message to mobile phone users in Africa, where cell phones are prevalent but Internet penetration is low.

South Korea tops in broadband penetration: study

South Korea, where 95 percent of homes have broadband, Singapore and Taiwan are among the top five countries in terms of access to the high-speed Internet, according to a survey released Thursday.

.africa joins the internet

In the beginning was .com, followed by a host of other .somethings, but on Friday, 32 years after the world's first domain name was registered, the African Union has launched .africa for the continent.

How Africa can develop a home-grown tech sector

Africa is coming online rapidly. Internet penetration in the continent is growing faster than in any other region in the world, giving millions more people access to better communication, information and business opportunities. ...

Where do most of the Internet users live?

Dr Mark Graham and Dr Ralph Straumann, researchers at the Oxford Internet Institute, have created a global map showing the total number of Internet users in different countries.

HuffPost launches in India, eyes China edition

The Huffington Post launched an Indian version of its news website Monday, seeking to tap the country's exploding number of Internet users, and announced its next big goal was a Chinese edition.

Facebook's expands in Zambia

(AP)—Facebook's project is taking another step toward its goal of bringing the Internet to people who are not yet online with an app launching Thursday in Zambia.

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