UK says illegal downloaders may lose Web access

(AP) -- People who repeatedly download copyrighted films and music could have their Internet connection cut off under proposed laws to tackle illegal file-sharing unveiled by the British government on Tuesday.

Review: New Web music services offer tons of tunes

(AP) -- If you're itching to hear whatever you want, whenever you want, without breaking the bank on songs from Apple's iTunes store, your best bet is an online subscription music service.

Rdio ramps up streaming music effort

Music-streaming service Rdio on Thursday ramped its offerings with a subscription that allows people to keep a selection of songs for off-line listening.

New Pandora CEO faces royalty fight with artists

One of the biggest challenges facing Brian McAndrews, the new CEO of Pandora, will be renegotiating the royalty rates the Internet radio giant pays to the music industry.

Finnish record label petition to block Pirate Bay

Finnish record labels said Thursday they filed a petition in court to block access to The Pirate Bay, a popular Swedish website that provides access to copyrighted music, movies, and other material.

Google has intriguing plans at the Googleplex

Google is in the midst of more than $120 million in construction projects at its Mountain View headquarters, including work on a series of new or previously secret hardware testing labs that hint at the Internet giant's expanding ...

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