Internet outages reveal gaps in US broadband infrastructure

When vandals sliced a fiber-optic cable in the Arizona desert last month, they did more than time-warp thousands of people back to an era before computers, credit cards or even phones. They exposed a glaring vulnerability ...

Snowden and Berners-Lee's campaign for an open internet

You might have seen this week that there's a campaign regarding the future of the internet. Its chief proponents? NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, inventor of the web Tim Berners-Lee, journalist Glenn Greenwald and privacy ...

Internet traffic rise needs infrastructure upgrade

Australian internet traffic will increase by more than five times to hit one exabyte (one billion gigabytes) of data a month by 2016, a University of Adelaide mathematician and internet researcher has predicted.

Fears of spying hinder China Mobile license

Concerned about possible cyber-spying, U.S. national security officials are debating whether to take the unprecedented step of recommending that a Chinese government-owned mobile phone giant be denied a license to offer international ...

Olympics to strain UK Internet infrastructure

(AP) -- As Usain Bolt races down the Olympic track, will London's Internet infrastructure be able to keep up? Let's hope so. Experts say the network should be able to cope - but they warned of sluggishness during peak times ...

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