Insider Q&A: Competing with cable's Internet offerings

Chet Kanojia, the founder of startup TV service Aereo, has a new offering that could shake up the cable industry again. His new Internet service, Starry, would compete with cable companies in big cities.

Smart things everywhere to be seen at CES

It's not clear what individual gadget will be the next big thing in the tech industry. But the Internet of Things is definitely already here in a big way.

Obama taps tech world for cash amid privacy debate (Update)

President Barack Obama was to attend two high-dollar Democratic Party fundraisers Thursday hosted by Silicon Valley executives, drawing attention to the complicated relationship between the president and the high-tech industry ...

New Pandora CEO faces royalty fight with artists

One of the biggest challenges facing Brian McAndrews, the new CEO of Pandora, will be renegotiating the royalty rates the Internet radio giant pays to the music industry.

China Telecom profit rises after it offers iPhone

State-owned China Telecom, the country's third biggest mobile phone operator by subscribers, said Wednesday that profits grew in the first half of the year as revenue from iPhone sales kicked in.

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