US spy agency can keep mum on Google ties: court

The top-secret US National Security Agency is not required to reveal any deal it may have with Google to help protect against cyber attacks, an appeals court ruled Friday.

Slovenia freezes ACTA ratification

Slovenia's centre-right government on Thursday froze the ratification of the controversial anti-online piracy pact ACTA until the European Union reaches a common position on the issue.

US did not seek WikiLeaks cutoff: Clinton

The United States did not pressure private companies to deny service to WikiLeaks following its release of secret US diplomatic cables, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday.

Singapore urges regional cooperation against hackers

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong called Thursday for stronger Southeast Asian cooperation against cyber threats after his own website was hacked by critics demanding greater Internet freedom.

Google chairman Eric Schmidt to visit Myanmar

Google chairman Eric Schmidt will visit Myanmar next week, highlighting increasing Internet freedom in the former pariah state just weeks after a controversial trip to communist North Korea.

Clinton renews push for open Internet access

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton renews her push Tuesday for the free and open use of the Internet, which protesters from Egypt to Iran have used to demand political freedoms.

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