Venezuela passes media, Internet-muzzling law

The Venezuelan parliament passed a law banning for the first time Internet content that promotes social unrest, challenges authority or condones crime, fueling outrage by the opposition.

Syria Internet blackout enters second day

Syria's Internet blackout entered into its second consecutive day Wednesday, which the state news agency blamed on a fault in optical fibre cables.

Philippine leader defends controversial 'cyber libel' law

Philippine President Benigno Aquino on Wednesday defended a controversial cybercrime law penalising online libel, a day after the top court upheld its legality in a setback for campaigners who argue it could curb Internet ...

Japan to fine or jail computer virus creators

Japan will punish people who create or wilfully spread computer viruses with fines and prison terms of up to three years under a new law enacted by parliament.

'Anonymous' hackers to protest Indian Internet laws

Indian demonstrators supporting the global hacking movement Anonymous took to the streets on Saturday to protest against what they consider growing government censorship of the Internet.

Court dismisses challenges to FCC Internet rules

A federal appeals court has dismissed two legal challenges to new Federal Communications Commission regulations that prohibit phone and cable companies from interfering with Internet traffic on their broadband networks.

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