Hackers plot DIY Sputniks for Internet freedom

(PhysOrg.com) -- Hackers at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin, which wrapped up over the weekend, are toasting the New Year with a newly announced plan for a hacker-owned satellite communications network. The anti-censorship ...

US calls for Internet freedom amid India plan

The United States called for freedom of expression on the Internet after the India said it planned to find ways to ban offensive content before it is posted.

Britain warns over state-sponsored cyber attacks

British Foreign Secretary William Hague issued a warning on Wednesday to countries which sponsor cyber attacks, at the close of a global cyberspace conference in London.

Britain warns over Internet freedom at cyberspace talks

British Foreign Secretary William Hague issued a warning on Tuesday to countries that try to restrict Internet freedom as he opened a global conference designed to set up cyberspace "rules of the road".

Myanmar authorities unblock some banned websites

(AP) -- Myanmar's repressive government was allowing access to banned news websites Friday for the first time in years, including several operated by exiled dissidents.

China blog site shuts accounts over 'rumors'

(AP) -- China's most popular microblogging site is cracking down on what it says is the spread of false rumors after the ruling Communist Party told Internet companies to tighten control over information online.

Internet access a fundamental human right: OSCE

Access to the Internet should be seen as a fundamental human right and respected as much as freedom of expression, the transatlantic security body OSCE said in a report Friday.

AP gets Knight funding to create journalistic tool

(AP) -- The Associated Press will be among 16 news organizations and Internet entrepreneurs sharing $4.7 million in funding to design innovative ways to find and deliver news in the digital age.

Japan to fine or jail computer virus creators

Japan will punish people who create or wilfully spread computer viruses with fines and prison terms of up to three years under a new law enacted by parliament.

Key Internet summit to discuss online rules

The world's most powerful Internet and media barons gathered in Paris on Tuesday in a show of strength to leaders at the G8 summit, amid rows over online copyright, regulation and human rights.

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