World class circuits by chip architects

Thanks to their designs, the battery of a mobile phone stays charged for longer, the signal is better and more data can be transmitted for a lower price. The Integrated Circuit Design group headed by Prof. Bram Nauta at the ...

Wanted: Censor for Pakistan's Internet

(AP) -- Pakistan is advertising for companies to install an Internet filtering system that could block up to 50 million Web addresses, alarming free speech activists who fear current censorship could become much more widespread.

Middle East censors wield Western software: report

Even as Western leaders call for democratic freedom in the Middle East, software from US and Canadian firms is being wielded by censors in oppressive regimes, a report has said.

Filtering truth?

( -- Plans for mandatory internet filtering in Australia may see a wide range of material disappear from computer screens, according to research led by a UNSW academic.

China launches crackdown on online gaming

China has launched a campaign to crack down on online games operating illegally and featuring content deemed to be unhealthy, state media reported Friday, in the nation's latest Internet clean-up effort.

PC makers voluntarily supply Web filter in China

(AP) -- Several PC makers were including controversial Internet-filtering software with computers shipped in China on Thursday despite a government decision to postpone its plan to make such a step mandatory.

China Web controversy highlights public role

(AP) -- Beijing's retreat on its latest Internet-censorship effort highlights the rise of China's increasingly tech-savvy, vocal public as a factor in the authoritarian government's decisions.

US calls on China to revoke Web filter order

(AP) -- Washington is calling on Beijing to revoke an order to personal computer makers to supply Internet-filtering software with every PC, adding to an array of disputes between the major trading partners.

China to stick to controversial software rule

China will not back away from a new rule requiring that Internet filtering software be shipped with all computers sold in the country despite heavy criticism of the plan, state media has said.

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