China backpedals on filtering software order

(AP) -- China's authoritarian government has backed away from an order to load Internet-filtering software on every new computer after a major outcry by citizens used to the relative freedom of online life.

Filtering truth?

( -- Plans for mandatory internet filtering in Australia may see a wide range of material disappear from computer screens, according to research led by a UNSW academic.

US concerned by Australian Internet filter plan

(AP) -- The United States has raised concerns with Australia about the impact of a proposed Internet filter that would place restrictions on Web content, an official said Monday.

US relays concern to China over web filtering software

The United States has expressed concern over a new rule that all computers sold in China be rigged with Internet filtering software, a US official said here Monday, amid fears for online freedom.

PC makers voluntarily supply Web filter in China

(AP) -- Several PC makers were including controversial Internet-filtering software with computers shipped in China on Thursday despite a government decision to postpone its plan to make such a step mandatory.

US calls on China to revoke Web filter order

(AP) -- Washington is calling on Beijing to revoke an order to personal computer makers to supply Internet-filtering software with every PC, adding to an array of disputes between the major trading partners.

Australia denies targeting Google over Web filter

Australia on Monday denied waging a campaign of vengeance against Google after launching a police probe of the web giant, a strong critic of plans for a nationwide Internet filter.

China Web controversy highlights public role

(AP) -- Beijing's retreat on its latest Internet-censorship effort highlights the rise of China's increasingly tech-savvy, vocal public as a factor in the authoritarian government's decisions.

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