Page 3 - News tagged with internet corporation for assigned names and numbers

Internet name 'revolution' hits doubts

The body that polices Internet registrations will on Thursday launch a domain name "revolution" in the face of the concerns of global bodies ranging from the United Nations to the US Congress.

Internet domain name expansion comes under fire

A plan to expand the number of Internet domain names came under fire in the US Congress on Thursday, a day after the head of the Federal Trade Commission said it could potentially be a "disaster."

Internet ".xxx" district opens to website makers

An Internet version of a red light district opened on Tuesday as Web addresses with ".xxx" endings became available for purchase by those interested in providing online adult content.

Time zone database has new home after lawsuit

The organization in charge of the Internet's address system is taking over a database widely used by computers and websites to keep track of time zones around the world.

Registration begins for .xxx Internet porn domain

Pornography dealers can start registering on the industry's own exclusive .xxx web domain on Wednesday following its approval by an international regulatory body earlier this year, the domain operator said.

ICANN chief to leave at end of term

The head of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the global body which manages the technical infrastructure of the Web, has announced he will not seek another term.

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