Research shows Cuba's Internet issues

In December 2014, President Barack Obama made history by reestablishing diplomatic relations with Cuba, which included loosening its economic embargoes. Two months later, American companies like Netflix and Airbnb announced ...

Ireland loses lucrative tech conference to Portugal

The Web Summit, one of Europe's leading tech conferences will move to Lisbon from Dublin next year, organisers said Wednesday, in a multi-million-euro blow to the Irish economy.

Wikipedia world view 'shaped by editors in the West'

A new Oxford University study has found that nearly half of all edits to articles about places on Wikipedia were made by editors living in just five countries: the UK, US, France, Germany and Italy.

Dew helps ground cloud computing

The most obvious disadvantage of putting your data in the cloud is losing access when you have no internet connection. According to research publishes in the International Journal of Cloud Computing, this is where "dew" could ...

Tesla courts hackers to defend high-tech cars

Hackers swarmed a Tesla sedan in a 'hacking village' at the infamous Def Con conference on Saturday as the high-tech electric car maker recruited talent to protect against cyber attacks.

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