House votes to repeal regs on Internet access

(AP) -- House Republicans adamant that the government keep its hands off the Internet passed a bill Friday to repeal federal rules barring Internet service providers from blocking or interfering with traffic on their networks.

White House threatens veto over net neutrality

The White House warned on Tuesday that President Barack Obama would veto a resolution introduced in the Senate that seeks to overturn "net neutrality" rules aimed at ensuring an open Internet.

Facebook joins forces with Skype

Skype and Facebook joined forces Thursday to let users of the popular Internet communications service chat with their friends on the booming social network.

Divided FCC adopts rules to protect Web traffic (Update)

(AP) -- Federal regulators adopted new rules Tuesday to keep the companies that control the Internet's pipelines from restricting what their customers do online or blocking competing services, including online calling applications ...

Optical system promises to revolutionize undersea communications

( -- In a technological advance that its developers are likening to the cell phone and wireless Internet access, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) scientists and engineers have devised an undersea optical ...

Russian city carries out most cyber attacks per capita: study

The Russian city of Chelyabinsk has the greatest concentration of cybercrime on the internet. Kuala Lumpur is in second place and Buenos Aires has the dubious distinction of coming in third. This finding has emerged from ...

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