Internet doomsday virus appears to fizzle

The so-called Internet doomsday virus with the potential to black out tens of thousands of computers worldwide appeared to pose no major problems Monday after a temporary fix expired.

Internet ".xxx" district opens to website makers

An Internet version of a red light district opened on Tuesday as Web addresses with ".xxx" endings became available for purchase by those interested in providing online adult content.

BlackBerrys buzz back to life after long outage (Update)

BlackBerrys across the world buzzed back to life Thursday, leaving customers outraged and threatening to cost the granddaddy of all smartphones more business when it's already struggling to keep up in a crowded marketplace.

Review: Skype phone and adapter for home calling

(AP) -- With two new products, Skype has made it easier to make Internet calls from home phones, for savings on international calls and potentially also domestic ones.

Google advises Iran users to change passwords

Google has advised users of its online services in Iran to change their passwords following the theft of Internet security certificates from a Dutch company.

Google users in Iran targeted in certificate scam

A false Internet security certificate has been used in an apparent attempt to snoop on Google users in Iran, according to the Internet search giant and computer security firms.

Google's lobbying bill tops $2M for 1st time in 2Q

(AP) -- Google Inc.'s quarterly lobbying expenses surpassed $2 million for the first time during the spring and early summer amid U.S. government scrutiny that hatched a wide-ranging investigation into the Internet search ...

Google a start-up refocusing on products: CFO

Google co-founder Larry Page, who took over as chief executive in April, is refocusing the Internet giant on products and its "start-up philosophy," its chief financial officer said Wednesday.

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